Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Thoughts on Alpha and Omega

Thoughts on Alpha and Omega

Alpha and Omega signify the beginning and the end. In the English alphabet it would be similar to saying from A to Z. This is saying God and therefore Jesus are our beginning and our end. Christ created us and saves us. We have our entire physical and spiritual being in Him. This is specific to creation. When applied to God the term Alpha and Omega does not go far enough. The second part of the verse provides a more far reaching description. God is, was and will be the Almighty. That is, God always was and always is and always will be. God is totally independent of time. Something we have a difficult time understanding. In eternity is simultaneously the past, present and future. With God, unlike with His creation, there is no beginning and end. Again, there is always the past, present and future as one, a unity. Very hard for us to wrap our heads around.

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